Tag: trauma

Thoughts on Treating Trauma: Unpacking Self-Hatred

Thoughts on Treating Trauma: Unpacking Self-Hatred

I’m aware that there is no perfect way to write a short blog on the topic of trauma without evoking some big feelings. I also understand that as delicately as I might handle my writing and words, not everyone will agree with my observations, wonderings and reflections. The last thing I would want to do is make a person reading this feel small, de-valued, not seen or hurt. Trauma, and how it plays out in a person’s life, is very unique. Moreover, talking about the topic can be challenging and tender. So I approach my blog today with love in my heart knowing that many of us are simply trying the very best that we can. If you are a victim or survivor of trauma, and you’re reading this.. thank you. Thank you for continuing to fight in the face of immense adversity.  So much has been written about Trauma. The landmark book in my mind is “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk; though, there are many great pieces of literature on the topic. In his book, Dr. BVDK shares Read more [...]
When It Might Be Time to Seek Counseling

When It Might Be Time to Seek Counseling

There is NOTHING wrong with seeking counseling. When we go the gym, we are praised for taking the initiative to work on our fitness. When we are physically injured, we are advised to take the necessary steps to heal-- rest, ice, heat, stretch, etc.  Yet, when we are struggling with an emotional or mental health issue, we might feel funny about telling people (ironically, a battle with a mental health concern can cause some serious physical manifestations). It's almost inexplicable how little we have valued our mental health as a society throughout...well...ever!  It's not until recently that people in the community, including celebrities and athletes, are having serious and rich discussions about mental health.   One of the first questions I ask a prospective or new client is, "Have you ever been in counseling before?" and regardless of a "yes" or "no" response, I follow it up with, "How long have you been thinking about getting in to talk to somebody?"  To my surprise, Read more [...]
Theme: Overlay by Kaira