Month: October 2023

Thoughts on Treating Trauma: Unpacking Self-Hatred

Thoughts on Treating Trauma: Unpacking Self-Hatred

I’m aware that there is no perfect way to write a short blog on the topic of trauma without evoking some big feelings. I also understand that as delicately as I might handle my writing and words, not everyone will agree with my observations, wonderings and reflections. The last thing I would want to do is make a person reading this feel small, de-valued, not seen or hurt. Trauma, and how it plays out in a person’s life, is very unique. Moreover, talking about the topic can be challenging and tender. So I approach my blog today with love in my heart knowing that many of us are simply trying the very best that we can. If you are a victim or survivor of trauma, and you’re reading this.. thank you. Thank you for continuing to fight in the face of immense adversity.  So much has been written about Trauma. The landmark book in my mind is “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk; though, there are many great pieces of literature on the topic. In his book, Dr. BVDK shares Read more [...]
The Power of Counseling: Unlocking the Benefits for Elementary Kids

The Power of Counseling: Unlocking the Benefits for Elementary Kids

Elementary school is a crucial time in a child's life, where they develop essential skills, build friendships, and begin to navigate their emotions. However, not all children sail smoothly through these formative years. Some may encounter challenges that affect their well-being and hinder their overall growth. This is where counseling steps in as a powerful tool, providing elementary kids with the support they need to thrive. Let's explore the benefits of counseling for these young minds. 1. Emotional Well-being:Elementary children often struggle to express and understand their complex emotions. Counseling offers a safe space where they can freely explore their feelings and learn healthy coping mechanisms. By working with a trained counselor, kids develop emotional resilience, becoming better equipped to handle stress, anxiety, anger, and grief. This emotional well-being lays a solid foundation for their future mental health. 2. Improved Academic Performance:A child's emotional state Read more [...]
Theme: Overlay by Kaira