Tag: Therapist

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

What Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is and How I Use it in Sessions with Clients by Josh Jostock When a client comes in for therapy for the first time, one term that they often hear in regards to mental health therapy is “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” (CBT). Today, I hope to explain what it is and how I use that in practice. Moreover, my hope is that after reading this blog, you’re equipped with some CBT so that you can start using it in your day to day life. But before I dive in, I want to preface the heart of my blog by saying that CBT isn’t for everybody nor is it a magic wand. I use CBT with some clients and I also integrate other techniques/theoretical orientations in like Motivational Interviewing and my personal favorite, Internal Family Systems.  I cannot think of one case where I’ve strictly used just CBT as a means of treatment. For some cases, though, CBT doesn’t even enter the arena. Okay, preface over—here we go. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: The Definition Cognitive Read more [...]
Happy to Offer Counseling in Rochester

Happy to Offer Counseling in Rochester

Why We Love Counseling. Why We Love Rochester. Rochester, Michigan is home to some of our favorite things. Where else can you take in the winding trails of Paint Creek? What hike would be complete without the bright and toasty scents of Bean & Leaf Cafe? And of course, we always end our evenings with the sweet, sassy, and friendly folks at Holy Cannoli. Furthermore, Rochester is home to Oakland University, where Josh Jostock, founder of Hope Heal Change Counseling, got his Master's in Counseling. Rochester is our community and we are happy to serve our community. Rochester also offers unique opportunities in counseling. Counseling Challenges in Rochester Rochester is a hub for education. Rochester, Michigan offers unique opportunities for counseling. In addition to some of the biggest K-12 schools in the state, Rochester is home to Oakland University. The challenges of a student today are very different than the students of yesterday. Whether it's stress on grades Read more [...]
5 Things About Life that I’ve Learned Since Becoming a Therapist

5 Things About Life that I’ve Learned Since Becoming a Therapist

by Josh Jostock, Founder & Therapist I remember asking one of my mentors during graduate school, Judy, if being a therapist made life more difficult at times. I believe that to be aware is to often suffer. Hence, people latch on to their own truths and certainties because it turns unknowns into knowns.  Judy responded, “Being a therapist has made my life so rich.”  Oh how right she was. It’s not all peaches n’ cream, but being the keeper of stories and constantly learning through intimate therapeutic relationships has made my life incredibly rich and I can’t imagine myself doing anything else for a career. The learning just never stops. Coming up with the list below took time because I’ve learned a lot about life since being a therapist. So, these aren’t the only 5 things that I have learned. However, I think these 5 things will be most helpful for people reading that don’t work as a mental health therapist. None of this is ground-breaking or Read more [...]
Being a Teen in 2024: How to Understand and Start Helping our Teens

Being a Teen in 2024: How to Understand and Start Helping our Teens

The young generation has it tough in a variety of ways. While I could spend the next 5,000 words explaining why, I’ll temper my explanation down to a small vent session. Then, I’ll provide some brief details on how we are helping teens and preteens at our practice before finally giving some communication tips and tricks for home.  Helping Teens Then... It’s 1998. It’s not going well with your girlfriend. After school, the two of you meet by the bleachers and you make a really hard decision — “It’s not you, it’s me.” You break up, you cry, your parents hopefully rub your back that night and tell you it’s going to be okay. You dodge school for a day telling your mom that you have a horrible headache in the morning and maybe she lets you stay home or maybe you grew up in one of those households where you were going to school unless the spiritual leader was reading your last rites. Eventually, you face the awkwardness of having to still be in math class together. Read more [...]
Theme: Overlay by Kaira