Seven Strategies to a Successful Sober Holiday

The smell of turkey in the oven and the roar of the football game on TV. The twinkly lights on the trees and the anticipation of grandparents coming to visit. Ah yes, the holiday season is arriving. For most it’s a time of joy, love, laughter, and the sharing of embarrassing family stories around the dinner table. However, for those in recovery, it’s possibly a time of anxiety, dread, fear, overthinking, isolation, and avoidance. Whether this is the first holiday in sobriety or the thirtieth, it's a time to be cautious. The holidays are the few months of the year where triggers, cravings, and relapse are at their highest. First, if you are clean and sober, I want to congratulate you! You are one of the few who has managed to overcome the cunning, baffling, and powerful disease of addiction. 1 day, 30 days, 1 year, or 40+ years - any amount of time is to be celebrated and acknowledged. Why is maintaining sobriety so challenging over the holidays and what are some strategies Read more [...]