Dungeons & Dragons & Therapy

by Justin Lamb You may be wondering how delving into dungeons, fighting dragons, and rolling countless 20-sided dice relates to therapy. Certainly there are some surface metaphors of “slaying the dragon” and things like that. However, I would urge you to dive deeper into the proverbial dungeon. When you look at the way playing Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and others provides specific outlets, you can see how valuable they truly can be.  The Magic of Dungeons & Dragons First, there is the aspect of imagination. Countless peer-reviewed, scientific studies discuss the benefits of utilizing your imagination. Whether that’s done through visual imagery, songwriting, or any other creative act, your imagination is a quality unique to you. Exercising your imagination allows you to tap into your creative mind and invites your unconscious to come out and play.  Second, there is the aspect of community. Dungeons & Dragons, and similar role playing Read more [...]