The Do’s and Don’t’s of Supporting Your Child Through Their Therapeutic Process

Providing therapy for kids and adolescents is something I look forward to everyday that I come into the office. Sadly, many therapists miss out on that opportunity. If many therapists are being open and honest, a part of the reason they turn away minors is because they don't want to have to manage the parent(s) on the side. However, I find that just about every parent is great at letting me do my job as long as we establish the boundaries and expectations of their child being in therapy with me. They are more concerned with supporting their child during therapy. Many parents ask me, "What should I ask after session?" or "Should I say anything at all about the therapy?" It can be a helpless position--Investing money into the process and then having to be a bit in the dark for a stretch of time. The good news--you'll eventually get feedback in regards to the case and we always begin the process with a parent meeting. But waiting for the feedback requires patience and trust. A parent needs Read more [...]