Why We Love Counseling. Why We Love Rochester.
Rochester, Michigan is home to some of our favorite things. Where else can you take in the winding trails of Paint Creek? What hike would be complete without the bright and toasty scents of Bean & Leaf Cafe? And of course, we always end our evenings with the sweet, sassy, and friendly folks at Holy Cannoli. Furthermore, Rochester is home to Oakland University, where Josh Jostock, founder of Hope Heal Change Counseling, got his Master’s in Counseling. Rochester is our community and we are happy to serve our community. Rochester also offers unique opportunities in counseling.
Counseling Challenges in Rochester
Rochester is a hub for education.
Rochester, Michigan offers unique opportunities for counseling. In addition to some of the biggest K-12 schools in the state, Rochester is home to Oakland University. The challenges of a student today are very different than the students of yesterday. Whether it’s stress on grades and performance, the intersection of technology and learning, or the overexposure that smartphones offer. Being a student is difficult at any age.
At Hope Heal Change Counseling, we have a number of counselors and therapists that specialize in helping students, regardless of age. We have clients from elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and college. Given this unique hub of education that Rochester finds itself in, we have cultivated unique counseling options for those populations.
Rochester is a family centered community
Like many communities, Rochester is a family-centered community. Family, however, is a term that means something different to each person. In counseling, we like to allow the client to decide what family means. Whether that be a group of friends, a pair of surrogate parents, or a traditional nuclear family. However you choose to define family, all families have issues. Issues in communication, different values, different beliefs, and more. Conflict can and will arise in any family unit and we provide counseling for family members for that very reason.
At Hope Heal Change Counseling, we provide counseling for individual family members, as well as family units. A parent and child can sit with a therapist, or siblings, or even the entire family. We understand the specific issues that can break a family in pieces and hurt the hearts of all involved. Whether dealing with addiction, loss, financial crisis, or more; we have a therapist that can help!