Category: Uncategorized

The Box with all the Buttons

The Box with all the Buttons

Scratching the creative writing itch. Here we go…  Your eyes are closed. Now open them.  You’re in large rectangular prism or “box”. You can’t see outside of the Box. Scattered randomly around the floor, walls and ceiling of the Box are buttons. Big, red, plastic, arcade-style looking buttons. And you notice your scale. You realize that you are quite small in this box as if Rick Moranis pointed his shrinking laser at you and you shrunk to the size of small flower petal. Your height doesn’t quite reach across the diameter of the red buttons when you lay next to one. And now, the Ball. A large sphere slowly glides through the air within the box. It’s moving so slowly that you can walk beside it when it’s near the floor, and underneath it once it bounces towards the ceiling. The Ball moves in straight lines and its angles are predictable after it makes contact with the Box’s surface. The perfect sphere looks like a smooth boulder and it continuously and predictably Read more [...]
What is Play Therapy? A Guide for Parents/Guardians

What is Play Therapy? A Guide for Parents/Guardians

As parents, it’s tough when your child struggles with emotions but cannot find the words to explain what’s happening or how they feel. Whether it's a tough time at school, changes at home, or something else, children sometimes have a hard time expressing effectively or calmly themselves. Often times, expression can look like emotional outburst because they don't know what else to do with the thought or feeling that they might be having. Then, we as adults, can often fall into the trap of merely addressing outburst or unwanted behavior rather than helping the child address the feeling that's driving the behavior. That’s where "play therapy" can help. Play therapy is a form of therapy where children communicate and work through their feelings using play. Instead of talking, children use toys, art, and imagination to express what they are going through. In this blog, I'll explain what play therapy is, how it works, and how it can benefit your child. So, What is Play Therapy? Play Read more [...]
Theme: Overlay by Kaira