Upcoming Events & Groups

At Hope Heal Change Counseling, we are always looking for new ways to help out individuals and create a happier and healthier community. Whether it’s an upcoming counseling group or a community event, this is the page to go to for all of our upcoming events, classes, and gatherings. Want to know more about your hosts? Click here.

Upcoming Events

Do you have an event or group that you would like to see available? We’d love to hear your feedback and ideas! As a member of the Rochester community, it is important for us to understand what the demands and struggles are of our local community members. We have a long history of working directly with local schools and businesses. Our staff is made up of former teachers and educators, as well as school employees. We also have counselors that specialize in specific issues such as addictions. When we create events for the community, we take into account all of our experiences and use them to build the most effective groups, classes, and education seminars as possible.

If you feel like you have noticed a gap in your community or if you have an issue that you struggle with that you would like to see more attention paid, fill out the form below and you may see your idea as a part of one of our upcoming events!

Event Ideas & Comments

Tell us your ideas and give us your feedback!

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira